Data Security and Backups

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Backup Solutions for SMBs - Part Two

I shall be continuing my post from previous one discussing “Backup Solutions for SMBs – Part One

4.     Tape Backups
Tape backup is a form of data storage that is used to create a copy of the data stored in a system at a specific point in time, so that, in the event of a hard disk crash or comparable failure, the data will not be lost. The data are copied onto a magnetic tape, and can be permanently archived for future reference.


§  Reliability. Considering the structure of the tape media, the heads in the
  tape media are separated from the media. Hence even if the head of the
  tape fails; then also the media is still in the working condition.
§  Offsite Storage Available. The second major advantage that is in
  existence along with the usage of the tape drive is that the tapes are
  usually stored as the offline. If there any natural disaster you always
  have option available to restore as tapes are stored offsite.
§  Ease of Use. You can find support for tapes, with some good software’s
  available that make restore of data easy


§  Costly. Although, once tape backups were the most economical backups
  but now with hard disk prices dropping or online backup becoming cheaper,
  this media now turns to be more expensive.
§  Unsecured Storage. Tapes are bound to be stolen. Not like online backup
  where the data is stored in at a secured server. You must find the same
  tape drive to read tapes in the event of system loss (theft/fire).
§  Difficult Restores. The access time is more in case of the tape drives
  than in comparison with the other media storage devices. Tapes are
  sequential-access devices, and are best suited for full-system restores.
  Finding and restoring individual documents can be a long, slow, and
  cumbersome process.

5.     Blu-ray / DVD Backups
Blu-ray discs are the most advanced optical media used today. Blu-rays are created through the use of a short wavelength laser and may consist of up to 16 layers containing 25 GB each. Since each such layer is six times more capacious than layers used in DVDs, Blu-rays appear to be perfect media to store data on.


§  Storage Capacity. Compared to DVD / CD, blu-ray have a much larger
   capacity to store data.
§  Easily Mobile. It is also safer to store and to transport, as data backup
   on a Blu-Ray is less subject to damage than one on a pack of CD or
   DVD disks.


§  Manual Backups. Backups have to be done manually, which defeats the
   purpose of backup. If you forget to take backups regularly, it’s as good as
   no backup.
§  Security. Anyone can walk away with disks. Valuable information if stored
   can be lost.
§  Offsite storage.  No offsite automatic data storage. Storage of backups to
   a secure offsite location is a critical part of backup strategy.

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