Data Security and Backups

Monday, 5 September 2011

What features should the Online Backup Software Provide?

As discussed in my previous post regarding 9 things to look for when choosing online backup, I thought to go further more detail regarding what features should be in the Software part of Online Backup.
The Software plays important role in transmitting data from Source Computer to the destination Backup’s Providers datacenter.

Features to expect in Backup Software

1.     Automatic Backup
The Software should do automatic backup. Backups can be scheduled wherein, the Software has been programmed to do backup at given time and day or days. You can define what files to backup and how often.
The Software may have other option of backup which is called Continuous Data Protection [CDP], where data is backed up continuously, mean to say as soon as data is saved it gets backed up, leaving almost no room for loss of data. The backup setup should be easy, convenient and fast.
2.     Ease of Use
The Software should be easy to setup. For example, software should offer the facility to select all docs / xls files or for that matter all known extension files automatically throughout your drives, so that you do not miss out any of those important files.
3.     Incremental and Compressed Backups
Initially full backup can be done, but there after backups should be in incremental and compressed form which shall greatly reduce the network bandwidth usage. Incremental backups shall transfer only the modified portions of file.
4.     Encryption
Software should provide Bank Grade Encryption, which is the most reliable encryption technology. As data shall be transmitted over the internet encryption has to be best, which shall keep data secure. Backup providers generally use industry standard encryption technologies like Blowfish, triple DES, or 128 bit.
5.     Remote Data Access
Your Data should be accessible whenever you want.  The Software should provide you convenience of accessing your data from any computer with internet access.
6.     Open files
Open files are files which are in use. Software should have the capability to backup files which are in use. This feature is especially useful in backing up exclusively locked files, such as for example, the Outlook 'pst file' in case of Outlook backups. Most Software have this facility but very important to confirm cause if it does not that means any files when in use shall be skipped. The more important part to clarify is that it supports all operating systems you use.
7.     File Versioning
Multiple file versioning should be supported, where in you get option to save more than one copy of the same file. This can be useful in case if you have entered incorrect information in the updated data and want to restore older version of the same file. Most Software give options to have 10 or even is user-defined [wherein you as a user can define number of versions] versions of the same file, select carefully as having more copies of data can increase your data storage on the server which can cost you.
8.     Easy Restores
When required, data should be available within few clicks. In case, if required to restore old file versions, the software should be able to clearly provide information regarding software version, date and time backup taken. The restored file should not overwrite existing file.
As restores shall be quick, less downtime = more efficient work. No specialist or IT people required to restore data, it so simple anyone can do it.
9.     Manage LAN Backups
Imagine you have 200 computers and want to backup all the PCs. Installing Software on every PC and to configure backups on each workstation can be hell of task. Instead, if your Backup Software can be configured by installing on a Server or a computer for all the workstations, how easy it would be to configure and support backups. Managing Backup Software from a single Server can be beneficial in multiple ways:
a)      Easier to support
b)     No need for internet on each PC
c)      Less resource-intensive
d)     Saves time to manage

More features can also be confirmed depending on your database you use. For example, some of them can be listed as below:
§  Exchange Server Backup
§  Exchange Server Mail Level Backup
§  MSSQL Server Backup
§  Active Directory Backup
§  Outlook Backup
§  MySQL Server Backup
§  Oracle database Backup
§  MS Share Point Server

Overall, your Backup Software should be fast, simple and easily manageable. The most important factor shall be Support provided for the Software. It may not be possible for all the features to be in a product, yet if it covers max number of features you are looking for and Support is good you can bank on the same.

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